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The Scammers are Thick - Beware

Just found out my elderly mother-in-law has been dropping about 5k a year donating to every sad animal support group that mails her a letter with address stickers included. My wife had quizzed her about this several times and she simply lied. We found out when she had a fall and had to come stay with us. It is her money, but she lives like a hermit. 400/month would improve her lifestyle greatly, but she says she can't afford it. But those poor animals, and those crummy scams!

These guys know what they are doing, and that makes them all the more reprehensible.
A friend's mother-in-law was chatting with another grandmother, and the other person asked, "You want to see something really cool?
The other person sent something..and that something, when opened, fried the mother-in-law's computer, It went belly-up...The computer store could not fix it and went into the scrapper.
I get the whole if a "Lady" is selling tools and all but there are some ladies that work in this industry and are very good at what they do. (Just for the record):D I have been a member of the forum for awhile now and contributed in the EDM section off and on. But I need help with pricing on mostly various different inserts of different brands and some Sanvik CNC Mill and Lathe tooling pricing. My father, Dwight Carter, a well known tool salesman for over 30 years in California and across the US, has passed away and left a sizeable amount of new and some demo tooling to me. I used to work on Mills and Lathes but for the past 10 years I have been strictly Wire EDM. So my knowledge in tooling is limited. I don't know where to begin to sell them and giving a proper detail description, will be a challenge at best. Any suggestions?
I know it will take a lot of time and research before I can begin to sell them, or maybe a local auction might be the better route? Given the fact that he mentioned to me that one tool was worth $5000.00 alone, I don't want to undersell them but still give a 50% of their value deal to the buyer. Where do I begin?

Any input would be great!
