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Second shift drama


Cast Iron
Sep 23, 2022
We got 4 CNC operators on second shift.

Their annual reviews were today. Seems like all of them got the same percentage increase.

There's one guy who is always working 110%, trying to get a raise. He's the definition of work hard, not smart. Then there's one guy who's a slacker. He's actually pretty intelligent and does decent work (barely ever fucks up) but works really slow. They were talking about the reviews and it turns out that the slacker has a higher hourly pay rate. The first guy blew a gasket.

So yeah, that's the drama happening right now on second shift.
Ya, never talk about your pay so you can't tell how bad they are sticking it up your ass. You can't tell how much more the newbie hire is making than you. I think that is something made up by bosses so they can make more off you...I think it should be openly discussed.
Or can create a very hostile work environment very quickly and squash your chances to do good work and make more than the dumbass's
Problem is that it helps to know how much everyone else is earning so you know how much room you have to negotiate.

But you don't want others knowing or talking about how much you make so I think it's best to just lie. If you're making 35, just say that you're making 28, etc.
Don't care what others make, how hard they work or efficiently.
I always just give my 100% and analyze for maximum efficiency.
Always trying to maximize what the business needs.
Eventually always moved to supervisor or manager, and the highest paid.
Really pisses the 35 year guys off.:D
Some places only give raises when u demand it, worked a place where I got a raise before first pay check, one at 3 months, then a year.
So 3 in a year.
Two other guys said they haven't received a raise in 3 years.
If I'm providing a higher value for a period of time, and out performing others I bring it to managements attention,, raise time biatch!
And here is why...
School and university employee pay is published public knowledge. You can guess how long someone has been working, their job title, and look up their pay rate. New contract pay raises tend to be a percentage so longer term employees get a larger raise.
Bill D
Don't care what others make, how hard they work or efficiently.
I always just give my 100% and analyze for maximum efficiency.
Always trying to maximize what the business needs.
Eventually always moved to supervisor or manager, and the highest paid.
Really pisses the 35 year guys off.:D
Honestly worrying about raises is 430 credit score mindset....

Imagine hoping and praying that the boss man will give you an extra 25 cents per hour this year. Kinda patethic imho.

Better to improve your skills and then switch to a higher paying job for a 20-50% bump in pay.
Some of the guys would get fake payslips so their wives didnt know when I was in the government .......I remember one battleax would come to the pay office demanding to know how much her husband was paid.........One time she went to a local pub looking for him..........he went out the back door and climbed a tree to hide from her ...she dragged him down from the tree and he fell and broke just about every bone..........the good old days.
Years ago when we got paid in cash on Fridays the payslip only had our clocking card number on it not our name, mine was 467. One day one of the other guys said to me “ What do you do with your payslip Tyrone ? “ I said “ Not much, I probably throw it in the bin “.

He said “ Can you give it to me then so I can show my wife ? The thing is you don’t work any overtime and I do. “ So reluctantly I gave him my payslip every week so he could pretend to his wife he was earning a bit less. The extra he spent on motor bikes, he was a bike nut. All were really old English bikes. “ Ariel ? “ comes to mind.

Then one day I got another job and gave my notice ! When he found out he said “ Bloody hell Tyrone, what do I do now ? “ I said “ Come clean, tell her you’ve had a promotion and a raise “.
Looking back now I regret doing it but I was young and foolish and we all did crazy things.

Regards Tyrone
I made some fake pay slips just to agitate the nosy bastards. Got called to the office a few times.

When I first started at my old job, the place wasn't a machineshop, it was a fab shop with a couple of old machines. I was hired specifically to build a machineshop there. As such the old supervisor was openly hostile towards me, as he knew jack shit about machining, and I was the only guy in the place he couldn't boss around, or I guess he felt like he was being replaced etc.

One day he marched up to me in a temper and demanded to know how much I got paid. I argued with him for a minute, and it became clear that he thought I was getting paid more than him. I knew that we were on the same salary, because the MD told me that when we were discussing my salary.

So he got my back up and I almost told him where to go, except before I even realised I was doing it, I lied to him with a straight face and made up some massively inflated figure close to double my actual salary. He stared at me in a silent rage for a few seconds, before about turning and marching into the office, where I heard him screaming and yelling at our MD for what seemed like a very long time!

I don't know what was said in return as the MD didn't raise his voice, but the old bastard came shuffling back out of the office looking like he'd had the wind knocked out of him, and nobody in management ever so much as mentioned the incident to me.
When I worked in NZ I decided to play a prank on one of the guys who was really gullible. When we came back after the Christmas break I went up to him and asked what he thought of the annual bonus, he said what bonus I never got one so I said oh sorry and walked off. He went around for weeks trying to find out who got a bonus. Eventually I told him I was pulling his leg, I don't think he believed me.
